Souvenirs (cartography in progress)
This series is an approach to the landscape, a closer look at the objects that define the city in all its chaotic dimension. I have placed special emphasis on Caracas, my hometown, a metropolis that changes continually into two dimensions: that of informality, constituted basically by the shanty towns –the most common architecturalwise living condition in the so called “third world”–, and secondly by the areas that have been formally designed and “planned”. In general terms, urban chaos and the discourse of violence have spread all over the city, therefore changing the relationship between citizens and their surroundings.
Overall, I deal with overproduction, disposability, center and centrality, segregation, urbanism as a failed discipline, the marking of territories and the urban space as a place for negotiation (reterritorialization), among others. The core of this project also deals with other qualities of the city based on the aesthetic of the street (beyond cliches), the public space as an arena for debate, and invasion as the solution for living problems, among others.
Hola Esta buenisimo, te felicito, estoy tratando de hacer el mio¡¡¡
Carlos Germán
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